Wednesday, 21 December 2016

To Achieve Higher Things in Life

Step by step guide to achieve higher things in life :

1. Clear your head - The first thing that you want to do right after you wake up in the morning is to clear your head and prepare for the day. Just wake up and go for a walk; not a run, not even a brisk walk, just a walk to breathe in all the morning freshness and breathe out all your stress. Just focus on the fresh air going through your nose to your throat and then to your lungs and feel all the stress and the negative thoughts coming out of your mouth as you breathe out. You will feel your mind getting relaxed and clear of all of the hectic schedule of life. This will help you calm down and reflect clearly upon the problems of your life. Do this daily, make it a ritual and do not skip for anything. You will find significant change in the way you look things in your life.

2. Watch a motivational video - As soon as you come back from your refreshing walk, hit the washroom, go for a shower and after shower the first thing that you need to do is, watch a motivational video on YouTube to sustain the energy that you felt while walking in the fresh morning air. Energy is like a flame it can't keep on burning unless you supply it with fuel continuously and motivation works as a perfect fuel for the flame of your energy. When you watch a motivational video, your mind starts focussing even more on the tasks at hand and this is the recipe of building (not having) a great day.

3. Remove all distractions -

You are the only problem you will ever face and you are the only solution to it.

Now that you are focussed, you don't want to lose it by getting distracted by other things like social media. In today's world of connectivity, it is almost impossible not to get distracted by the continuous status updates, check ins and photo uploads. Every second there is a new notification from one social platform or the other and you can't help but look at these things and when you check these fancy photos and all the awesome stuff that others have been doing, you feel dejected, you feel like all you've been doing in your life is work, work and work and these are the people who know how to handle it well, how to keep it balanced, they are "living" their life. This puts you in a bad frame of mind and it lowers your productivity rate as well. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life and for all you know, this all can be fake, an empty and shallow attempt to get validation from the social media that their life is going well and they are on the right track.
Are you that kind of a person? No. You are a person, who does not care what people say about you. You should only care about what you say about yourself and that is all that matters. So remove all these distractions, just log out from all of your "social" media accounts and keep doing what you do best, work !!

4. Work Hard - Nothing can be accomplished just by vision, you have to work to make that vision come to reality and trust me there is no substitute for hard work. You work with all your energy and speak with all the experience you've got. There maybe times when you are wrong but don't let this become any kind of factor for you, just put whatever you have in your mind out in the universe and you will learn the right way; by making mistakes and not by someone else's experience. This way you will make your own footsteps and you would stay away from the vicious trap of the "blame game"

blame game
noun informal
a situation in which one party blames others for something bad or unfortunate rather than attempting to seek a solution.
"he elects to play the blame game but that isn't very constructive"

5. Be productive not busy - You have a tendency to be busy, even when you are not. This happens to everybody, you just keep thinking that you are busy and this gives you an excuse for not doing what you want to do. You keep saying that “My life is so busy”, “I have no time to do this”, “I am completely swamped right now and I cannot focus on anything else”. That's not true, go deep in your heart and think how often are you REALLY busy?, how often do you do the work that you say you are doing? You'll find the answer is not very often. This is where you are losing all your time. This is the time that makes you unhappy about life, it feels like you are not doing anything for yourself and you are just running on autopilot .This time can be utilized to get better, to do things that you really want to do and have a sorted life. So, whenever you doze off to some other land thinking about things that you don't have any control over, just give yourself a "mind jerk" (it's equivalent to a motion jerk but only to mind) and get back to the present scenario and ask yourself, "Are you busy right now?" and if the answer is no, you start to think about the things that you always thought of doing and take a step in that direction and you will find yourself smiling with satisfaction.

6. Make rituals and stick by them - All this talk of self improvement and progress is not going to work as long as you just think about it and do nothing about it. Everything in life is accomplished by doing and not thinking and so you need to act for it if you really want it to happen, because always remember,

We don't get what we want, we get what we have to have.

And this is achieved by doing things, things that will take you one step closer to what you desire, things that will test you, things that will break you, things that will make you think about alternatives and want you to quit. These are the only things that will get the job done, you know it, your mind knows it and your body knows it too.

But the human tendency is to always look for things that demand less work and yield huge success and that's why your mind will keep on telling you all the cons of doing what you are doing and would try to make you quit. The mind will continuously remind you about how much pain there's going to be, how much trouble you have to get in, how difficult the task is and is not for you, it was something that you only thought was made for you, but it's not. It's all in the brain, your heart can change that. You just need to religiously follow your rituals
Rituals are a series of actions or type of behavior regularly followed regularly and invariably to get what you have to have.

Finish your rituals no matter what because success is a habit and you have to do it enough number of times to be successful.

You want to wake up early, your alarm bell rings and your hand automatically goes onto that snooze button and even if you do get up, your mind starts giving you excuses (sometimes even logical excuses) for not getting up and you get back to bed. Sounds familiar? It's you, it's us, it's everybody. So what do we do to make it stop? You get up early in the morning as soon as the alarm bell rings and you get up from the bed and quickly, without giving it a thought just go to the washroom, just don't give your brain any time to think about an excuse for not doing it, just get up quickly from the bed and you go about your work. This is called a ritual, something that you don't say no to no matter what's the brain is saying, you just don't and when you have such rituals only then you will see changes in yourself, only then you will get better. So, in my opinion setting up rituals should be the first thing on your list and remember, don't say no, just don't.
If u want to have something that nobody has, you have to do something that nobody did.

7. Be obsessive - The real satisfaction lies in progress, in getting work done and that is exactly how you succeed, by getting work done and there is no better way to do it than to be obsessed about it. People will tell you that you are insane, even the best of your friends might laugh at you for doing what you love doing and being so obsessed about it,  sometimes even your parents lose faith in you and try to stop you from doing what you are doing and make you do what others do, because that is normal, that's safe. But you don't want safe, you don't want normal, you want something more so keep your head up no matter what and keep doing what you want to do, don't worry about the risks and the mistakes, they'll all seem to be worth taken in the end.Any dream that drives you to be obsessed  to a level where you cannot think about anything else is the dream that's going to be a reality, YOUR REALITY. Be known for your obsession. Let people talk, you stay obsessed and stay on track with whatever you love doing, because that's how you are going to crack the code for this world.

Ask yourself, how long are you going to continue this reckless behaviour? How long are you going to be tempted by other things? How long do you want to wait for that perfect personality that you want to change into in future? Remember, if you don't start acting on it now, chances are that you might never get it. So get up and don't think about anything else, follow your own rituals, be obsessed and work hard till you get there and even after that, because nobody else is going to do it for you IT'S ONLY YOU!!

Only you can DO what YOU are supposed to do. Only you can get what YOU deserve. SO GO GET IT!!